Sunday, February 5, 2012


-Informative title
-keep article as short as possible without taking away from message
-keep the tone friendly, casual, and interesting
-explain why Facebook went public
-how much Facebook is worth
-explain any business ideas or terms that may be confusing to readers
-make sure to relate to ISU student audience
-make sure article is unbiased
-tie in interviews, don't force them in
-put in picture(s)
-make sure information most pertinent to reader is in first paragraph/beginning

1 comment:

  1. This is a good start, but you will want to expand on this list. You say that they have a friend, casual, and interesting tone. What does this mean? That is, what brought you to that conclusion? What word choices/sentence structure/etc. denote this sort of connotation? Consider also how information is cited here, how this genre is generally structured, etc.
